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Highway Safety

Experienced TMA drivers are an integral part in the safety plan in highway workzones. Here are 3 quick tips to keep in mind when operating a TMA in active traffic.

1. Remember, Roll-Ahead!
Generally leave about 100ft (or about 3 TMA truck-lengths) between the front of your TMA and the workers or vehicles in front of you. The TMA is designed to roll-ahead when hit. The heavier the TMA truck the less it will roll-ahead. Standard JTech TMAs are built to about 20,000lbs GVW but your particular TMA may be heavier or lighter. Know what it weighs and refer to the Roll-Ahead chart (see below).

2. Mind Your Arrow Board Lights!
It’s easy to forget to turn off your arrow board and warning lights after leaving a work site. It’s also easy to forget to turn them on when you get started.  Both scenarios are dangerous and need to be remembered!

3. Hold That Stow Button!
The Scorpion® hydraulics aren’t fully extended until 4 seconds after the Scorpion® hits the rest stand. This helps keep the Scorpion® from bouncing while in transport which can cause unnecessary damage. Hold the up button for 4 seconds after the Scorpion lands on its rest stand.

Just like J-Tech Attenuator Trucks, TrafFix Scorpion Attenuators are built to last for decades in tough highway environments. Knowing what to look for can help you catch problems early and prevent catastrophic damage down the road.

Get the 10 Ways to Extend the Life of Your Scorpion Attenuator HERE.



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